In 2016,
Godblew the nameBURN: Batista Unida Rebento Novo in Senior Pastor's ears,Grandson Sanoli, in an afternoon of prayer and then the prophecy about the 'young sapling' in the book of the prophet Isaiah, chapter 11, verse 1“For a shoot will sprout from the stump of Jesse, and a shoot will bear fruit from his roots.” or suddenly (translation from Latin to Rebento) made sense and there began a new stage. Since then, everything has beensuddenly, but withdeep roots that were generated decades ago, in the secret, where they continue to strengthen.
Using the letters of the church, (the acronym B.U.R.N.), the sustaining themes of our local community were organized, to understand how each activity, interaction and decisions should be managed.
The Christian life is about man's relationship with God and the relationship between his fellow men. Our Vision addresses this way of life in our vision of relationships, manifested in three points: BRIDE, BODY and CHILDREN.
The mission of every Christian was defined by Jesus himself: go and make disciples! That is why we work in an organized and Spirit-led way to make disciples, guided by three points: WIN, WELCOME and TEACH.
Our Values determine how we behave and interact with our brothers and sisters and in our community. They are: the Work that results from Faith, the Effort motivated by Love and the Perseverance that comes from Hope.